
Abstract #

Currently, client platforms connect to the server with one of the following methods:

  1. A predefined document, which is common yet cumbersome and prone to errors due to the varying message formats across different routes and HTTP methods.

  2. An RPC (remote procedure call) framework that is hard to get context and requires either:

    • A third-party language to define shared interfaces and data types.
    • A uniform language across all clients and servers, which can be notably restrictive. For example, Java cannot be used on browsers and iOS.

To address these issues, I developed this new RPC framework named Phone, based on the increasingly favored Kotlin Multiplatform and its web framework Ktor. Phone is poised to greatly promote the use of Kotlin Multiplatform and to be revolutionary together with it.

Phone offers key advantages:

  • It facilitates connections using shared interfaces, data types, and associated logics.
  • It provides robust support and straightforward configuration for essential features, including various HTTP methods, authentication, WebSocket, PartialContent, cryptography, and automated serialization.
  • It allows for custom extensions through the use of Route on servers, and HttpRequestBuilder and HttpResponse on clients, which are intuitively powerful due to their Ktor origin.
  • It’s compatible with the traditional way. For instance, there may be a client using C++. It can connect to the server with the traditional Json conversion, manual routes, and HTTP methods.
It’s not essential to replace all JavaScript with Kotlin-Js on the browser side, because the generated Phone.kt is callable from JavaScript.

Core usage sample #

Other platforms are also supported, e.g. iOS and wasm.

Setup #

  1. Kotlin version is required at least 1.9.0.
  2. Get familiar with Ktor first.

Create three modules of which all could be multiplatform, configure them as below in build.gradle.kts, and implement them in server and each client.

plugins {
    val kt = "1.9.0"
    kotlin("multiplatform") version kt
    id ("") version "$kt-1.0.13"
    kotlin("plugin.serialization") version kt
repositories {
kotlin {
    // other needed native platforms

    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting{

dependencies {
    // other platforms are needless here, because this compiler generates code and copy them to else where.
    add("kspJvm", "io.github.shawxingkwok:phone-compiler:1.0.0-1.0.0")

    // set your own local path
    arg("phone.server-package-path", "${projectDir.parent}/serverside/src/commonMain/kotlin")
    arg("phone.client-package-path", "${projectDir.parent}/clientside/src/commonMain/kotlin")

    arg("phone.server-package-name", "")
    arg("phone.client-package-name", "")

    arg("phone.default-method", "post")
    // optional
    // arg("phone.jwt-auth-name", "<your jwt auth name>")
    // arg("phone.client-phone-modifiers", "internal abstract") // "open" by default
plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.0"
repositories {
kotlin {
    // other needed native platforms

    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting{
                api(project(":example:api:shared")) // or the remote 
plugins {
    kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.0"

repositories {

kotlin {
    // other needed native platforms

    sourceSets {
        val commonMain by getting{
                api(project(":example:api:shared")) // or the remote 

Http methods #

The default http method is indispensable and configured in shared module build.gradle.kts. The options are get, post, put, delete and patch which could start with an uppercase char.

The http method of login in this case is Post.

Default methods could be overridden in Phone.Api. Methods for each function could also be separately set. Now login method is Post, and search method is Get.

Calls #

  1. In this section, all parameters and generic type are not limited.
  2. Examples run on Jvm. There are multiple Ktor ways of handling file stream in body. Each platform also handles differently.

Common #

This is the most common case.

Remember to use Unit if the returned value is needless.

You could also upload files easily as below.

Manual #

With Phone.Call.Manual, client also gets HttpResponse which is generally for downloading files.

The generic type is not limited to Pair<String, Long>.

PartialContent #

Required server plugin: PartialContent and AutoHeadResponse

Type of the handler

The parameter ranges is vararg. If you pass no LongRange, you would get the whole file.

Responds File / Stream / ByteReadChannel as before.

WebSocket #

Required server and client plugins: WebSockets

You will get the parameter enablesWss in the Phone constructor.


I suggest to use onReceivedSuccess instead.

This function is generated in module clientside.

You could set isRaw to true and get ClientWebSocketSession and ServerWebSocketSession on server and client sides.

Parameter positions #

You may be concerned about the actual parameter positions because URL is sometimes a bad choice. Actually, Phone puts parameters in a form as long as the HTTP method is not Get and the HttpRequest body is empty. If you set the body before request in this way, the parameters would be put in URL.


Crypto #

Cipher #

First you need to provide a Cipher in module shared with customed protocol with other Kotlin multiplatform Crypto libraries.

Targets #

Next you could annotate these symbols with Phone.Crypto.

  1. The top Phone.Crypto means all messages in DemoApi will be encrypted. The next Phone.Crypto on the function login means all messages related to this function will be encrypted.
  2. For parameters, annotating it or its type makes the same sense.
  3. Annotating the returned Any makes LoginResult crypto.

For this login case, I suggest annotating Phone.Crypto only on the function.

Serialize third-party types #

Suppose class Time is from a third-party library and is not adapted with Kotlin Serializable.

You could set a serializer annotated with Phone.Serializer.

Note that it’s not as intelligent as the original Kotlin serialization. A single TimeSerializer is not enough for cases below.

These are the actually paired serializers.

Extend #

The source code is open with options.

You could make the generated Phone internal abstract instead of open via ksp args. And then set a public subclass.

    arg("phone.client-phone-modifiers", "internal abstract")

onStart is background called as below.

Auth #

Required server plugin: Authentication
Required client plugin: Auth
Learn the auth part in Ktor if you are not familiar with it. Then you could get the point in this section easily.

Annotation Phone.Auth

Generated code in the route function.


  1. For JWT, at first tell Phone the jwt auth name in build.gradle(.kts) in module shared as below.

    ksp {
       arg("phone.jwt-auth-name", "<your-auth-name>") 

    Then you could refresh the jwt token on client as before, and put it in phone via phone.refreshJwtToken(token). Then each request header needing the JWT token would get it.

  2. For the form authentication, avoid using HttpMethod.Get.

  3. For WebSockets, JWT is more suggested than general authentications. Besides, the configured client authentication info would not be put into HttpHeader as common Http requests. If you apply basic authentication on a WebSocket route, you should extend the request with specific header info before you proceed.

        header(HttpHeaders.Authorization, "Basic " + "jetbrains:foobar".encodeBase64())
  4. For OAuth

    Shared api

    Server side

Polymorphic functions #

For the backward compatibility, polymorphic functions except the first are required to declare the distinct id.

Exception #

You could intercept exceptions and respond a status code with the Ktor plugin StatusPages. All status codes except HttpStatusCode.OK means failure. I suggest to only respond 400 or 500 with messages for exceptions.

Roadmap #

  1. Documents and api generation for other languages.
  2. Big binary data as parameters, and limited permission with a new context. call.parameters, call.respond and some other needless functions are invisible.

GitHub repo #